06/22 |
J. Egger |
Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen, University Hospital Essen, Institute for AI in Medicine, Germany, 2022. |
10/21 |
J. Egger |
“Segmentation of medical data and image-guided intraoperative navigation“ (in German) |
Privatdozent in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Venia Legendi), University of Duisburg-Essen, University Hospital Essen, Institute for AI in Medicine, Germany, 2021. |
08/19 |
J. Egger |
“Segmentation of medical data and image-guided intraoperative navigation“ (in German) |
Privatdozent in Medical Image Analysis (Venia Docendi), Graz University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Austria, 2019. |
12/16 |
J. Egger |
“Segmentation of medical data and image-guided intraoperative navigation“ (in German) |
Habilitation in Computer Science, Philipps-University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Germany, 304 pages, 2016. (Link) (pdf) (certificate) |
06/12 |
J. Egger |
“Intraoperative Visualization of Multimodal Data in Neurosurgery“ (in German) |
Interdisciplinary Dissertation in Human Biology (Dr. rer. physiol.), Philipps-University of Marburg, Department of Medicine, Germany, 223 pages, 2012. (Link) (pdf) (certificate) |
07/09 |
J. Egger |
“Pre- and Postoperative Segmentation and Virtual Stenting of Aneurysms
and Stenosis“ (in German) |
Dissertation in Computer Science (Dr. rer. nat.), Philipps-University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Germany, 215 pages, 2009. (Link) (pdf) (certificate) |
06/06 |
J. Egger |
“Selection and Visualization of Endoprostheses (Stent Grafts) to treat
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA)“ (in German) |
Master thesis in Computer Science (M.Sc.), University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany, 123 pages, 2006. (certificate) |
02/04 |
J. Egger |
“Fractioned 3D Recognition of Landmarks with a Tetraoptical Camera
System“ (in German) |
Diploma thesis in Computer Science (Dipl.-Inf. (FH)), University of Wiesbaden, Germany, 103 pages, 2004. (certificate) |